I'll never choose a LCD over a CRT....not while it appears to be acceptable policy/standard to demand a tolerance of failed or dead pixels....refusing to replace what is actual faulty product by arguing it's only a 'little faulty'. To me, one pixel of black [or white] that is 'stuck' means the screen is cactus.
Office-use machines do not need a game's high refresh rates, must do not need Pro graphic's resolution/s, and can be driven by economics of power consumption, but I'm betting a lot of it [changing to LCD] is about creating an impression rather than real practicality......and as for economics.....how about all those now redundant CRTs.......probably ending up as land fill and a damn sight more of an environmental issue than the supposed power reduction...
Sput....yes, eventually [but not right now], CRT screens WILL be replaced by technology which is actually better in all regards, but naturally there's been a century of CRT development wich the likes of LCD, Plasma, etc needs to catch up to.
I remember the first Sony 19" I ever took a close, really close look at.....I mean nose pressed to glass....and I was stunned by its quality.
One dodgey pixel in a [more expensive] LCD and it's a no-contest.
At the moment...