Published on June 28, 2005 By gef In WinCustomize Talk
Does anyone use Kapsules. There doesn't seem to be much interest in them.
Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 28, 2005
I tried it a couple of weeks ago.......... wasn't impressed. I could add widgets to the desktop, but never did figure out how to remove them... I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, but I just didn't get it.
on Jun 28, 2005
I used Kapsules a while back, I thought it was great. I've since lost interest in widgets totally...I don't use DX anymore now...or Kapsules...or anything...but, one thing I do remember about Kapsules, is I had the same problem as Koasati...until I read the readme and found out that Shift+Right-Click on a widget and you get a brilliant context menu...which I liked much better than the DX equivalent. [including the option to remove widgets ]

I'm going off memory tho, I hope it's's definitely Shift+something...
on Jun 28, 2005
Ah yes.... I remember now. The readme says Please read .... couldn't get the page to load, gave up, and forgot about it. Tried Kapsules a couple more times, but never tried the link again......... Having access to the context menu will make a difference, and I'll probably try it out again.
on Jun 28, 2005
I am not a regular widget user, but I do have Kapsules installed and do run it every so often. Probably about as often as I run DesktopX or its associated widgets. There are some Kapsules widgets that are really nice, which don't have adequate equivalents in DesktopX such as KapDrives (and KapDrives enhanced or something like that) and Ben's webcomic widget. I think Kapsules has tons of potential, and a pretty devoted fan base, just not the largest. I am actually hoping that having a section here will bring more users.

I had the same problem as Koasati at first, but once I figured out the context menu I was very impressed.
on Jun 28, 2005
There really doesn't seem to be much "popularity". It's pretty nice..I could never get it to d/l from their link so they sent me a link by email and a nice comment. But there are only 10 uploads in the library, most by the author of the program, I believe, or someone related...and nothing new since the 7th has been uploaded there.Maybe it will pick up or something else more popular will show up in it's place.
on Jun 28, 2005
I'm using Alt Kapsules Drives. Excellent widget!

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Jun 28, 2005
I wanted to try it out a few different times, but couldnt even get the images on their website to show up. Tried a few work arounds, but in the

Wasnt worth *my* hassle.
on Jun 29, 2005
It can be configed for right click on a widget for widget menu but does not hold config settings when reboot, it is not a bad app, but having to reconfig when restart computer is a pain. If you only have 256 ram stay away, 16,788k mem usage with no widgets running, ram and cpu widgets running, 25,155k mem usage.
on Jun 29, 2005
It maintains my settings after a reboot, and I don't recall seeing that problem posted in their forum.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Jun 29, 2005
It maintains my settings as well. Odd. . .
on Jun 29, 2005
It maintains all settings except simple right click on advanced tab.
on Jun 29, 2005
Kona sneaks in a nasty word...

on Jun 29, 2005
It can be configed for right click on a widget for widget menu but does not hold config settings when reboot

Same problem here, except I don't to need reboot to lose the setting, just close Kapules, and restart it.

I've been playing with it a bit today in my spare time, and being able to get the help pages loaded has made it a bit better, but I think I like Samurize better. The Sam Config editor goes a long way with a non-coder like myself.

on Jun 29, 2005

Kona sneaks in a nasty word...


I'm a registered user of Konfabulator.  I don't consider it a "nasty" word. Hopefully no one else does either.  However, Konfabualtor costs $20.  Kapsules is freeware.

on Jun 29, 2005
Frogboy it was a small joke - I'm sorry.
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