Published on April 8, 2005 By gef In Bug Reports
Anyone know why, a computer running DesktopX perfectly, after being shutdown then re-booted should fail to run with the error 'buffer overrun detected'.
on Aug 27, 2005
I'm having the same problem and can't seem to find/get any info on how to fix it.
on Aug 28, 2005
Okay did a little more searching the MS KB and found this article. Link The error matches the symptoms of the Visual C++ .NET example other than the exe being Desktopx and builder exe's. Does this info help someone suggest how I can fix this?
on Aug 31, 2005
Any hope on a solution?
on Sep 03, 2005
Still praying for an easy solution
on Sep 04, 2005
Okay over in Galactic Forum there is a thread of the same issue and a solution for that game Link

Any idea how to apply it to desktopX? Not wanting to be a bother but been trying to solve this for a cpl weeks now & my TS request still hasnt been answered
on Sep 09, 2005
I have windows xp/network and i had to blow away my profile that was using desktop x. Better than having to redo the entire hard drive. That was the only thing i can do to make it work again.