Published on January 16, 2005 By gef In WinCustomize Talk
OK – If you had a perfect DesktopX theme, what would it consist of:

1. Basic colour scheme

2. Dark or light

3. Complicated or simple

4. Resolution

5. Would you like menus for all your applications or not

6. What objects do you use on the desktop (Weather, Calendar etc.)

7. What do you use for playing your music ( DX Player, Winamp etc.)

8. Do you use Widgets

9. Do you want animations

10. Anything else you can think of

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 02, 2005
seriously it would be nice if you could figure a way to do scroling menues thats about the only feature that I have not seen in Dx
on Feb 02, 2005
Well you asked. I have quite alot of your work and they look very good! now realize when I say this I am not being critical and this is not pointed directly towards you but you can only please a few part of the time and none of them all of the time. Here it comes I would like to see more creative interface's not the all on one side or up the left and over the top standard interface's i would like to see newer futuristic interface's and lots of animations and Transparent panels 3d effect moving titles,revolving wall paper, panoramic views, flashsequences, flat walls just make your desktop to bunch up, sounds that are theme based or waves, slide shows theme based repeating of course,rss feeds for new, weather and sports.In most everything make the borders transparent so they blend with the back ground because it makes it more versatile. make a theme base wall paper changer with user option to select some of his own theme base walls big enoug for 4 or 5 walls and once again no flatt walls. Pics with inside depth it makes lots of room visualy. and Now heres the final kicker, I have been asking with no reply. A Borderless or transparent Border, Viewer with controlls to resize to Big or Small squares, and capable of seeing the hotest videos or trailers or flash sequences and urls so you have to have some controlls to be able to select and play you know just like you do on your browser or player. HeHe well you asked so I told you No I'm not being ridiculos because if I knew my Gimp or Photoshop or Paint Pro like others do plus probably scripts I would be doing it my self. But all in all, Stay on the edge, stay advance,stay new not traditional and lot of animations. If you can do all this in full effect I would Most likely have to pay you 50 bucks for my copy and most likely with great anticipation . well thats my story and I'm sticken to it.
on Feb 22, 2005
on Feb 24, 2005
You do fantastic work. My only request would be to have it in 1024x768. Someone said you might make one in that resolution if I asked nicely Is down on my knees begging ok? I would really like to have that Blowout one workable for me.
on Feb 24, 2005
Lots to think about - Firstly I am working on resolution independant, other colours than blue and something different.
on Mar 25, 2005
Here goes. I've been using this program about 2 days now.
OK – If you had a perfect DesktopX theme, what would it consist of:
1. Dark. Think clean industrial, similar to psi-co. Lots of metallic looking objects. Greys and dark blues.
2. Dark, light colors distract my attention too much.
3. Complicated. I do love stuff.
4. I'm running 1280x1024, or resolution independant.
5. I would like customizable menus. I like having lots of menus, but I don't like only being able to use half of them, and then only half of the things on them.
6. All of it. If they've come up with it, throw a button on.
7. Winamp
8. Sure, why not?
9. Animate everything tastefully. I don't want everything on my desktop twirling and exploding, but I like having all my menus animated to "pop out", and that would also be nice with the special features like weather objects and stuff.
You skins are near perfect, psi-co and blowout. I like the use of dark, metallic colors, the full animations and compact designs. What I'd like? A lot of the objects and menus contain programs I don't run, and while I can customize the target, I can't customize the text. Maybe I'm just new to all this (yes, yes I am), but I'd like to be able to change these buttons around so I could get the full skin experience.

That last part sounded dirty.

I also like themes that aren't linked directly with your desktop wallpaper. I like being able to change that and still have things looking right. Thanks for asking, gef, you are truely talented at what you do.
on Apr 19, 2005
Is it too late to add my comments? Hopefully, you're still keeping an eye on this great thread...

1. Color picker (dark vs. light will never be resolved)
2. Hiding/Non-functioning widgets/objects until I click (tell them) to be...
3. SIMPLE. Cannot stress this enough. If you try complicated to placate the few that have nothing better to do than wrestle with their desktop, it likely won't be complicated enough. PRODUCTIVITY is best achieved through SIMPLICITY.
4. Resolution Independant (we can safely call this "the dead horse" as it's beaten over and over in all the previous posts) - for the record, I'm at 1280x1024
5. Automagically add ZOOMERS or simple-popping icons (a la IconX?) to the desktop; one of the previous posters hit the nail on the head with the gripe about adding icons to DX - STARDOCK: ARE YOU LISTENING?!?! Remember OS/2's "Find Applications" utility?
6. Weather/Clocks/Calendars are nice, but should be transparent/small - I don't need 25% of my desktop dedicated to telling me what the day is or how cold/hot it is.
7. Stats, stats, and more stats. Net traffic, HDs, uptime - all the usual.
8. MATCHING BOOTUP, LOGIN, WINDOWBLINDS, etc. - make it a TOTAL MAKEOVER and give Billy G. the finger!

Hope that isn't too much to ask for. Many options people have requested seem to be gripes on the limitations of DesktopX - i.e. adding icons/apps.

Of couse, please insert the typical "yUo rulez" compliments here - your work is very nice, and I am looking forward to experiencing it firsthand (just downloaded a couple DX themes of yours).

on Apr 19, 2005
I thought someone allready made the perfect DX theme.

on Apr 19, 2005
Anything 1024x768
on Jul 09, 2005
1. Dark, but with a color picker to change the accent colors.
2. Dark
3. Complicated! Looks cooler and is more fun to use.
4. Independent would be nice for everyone, but I think 1280*1024 looks best.
5. Menus are a must. But, they must be easy to configure and there must be space for new menus.
6. Player, Weather, Clock, System Info, News
7. DX player when available, though I really like Creative Media Source (but they have no skins! )
8. I only use widgets if there is no object that does the same thing.
9. Animations are cool, but they can't be too gaudy
10. I like it when the WB skin and the DX theme are really similar or exactly the same (eg. Tronix, Cabal). A perfect DX theme matches perfectly with a cool WB. That was were Digital Revenge fell short.
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