Windows 8 customizing
Published on April 8, 2014 By gef In OS Customization

As some of you will know, I am not without a certain knowledge of customising. I am now wondering if it is worth continuing to do so if the Windows 8 set up remains similar to it's present state, that is with irregular rectangles covering the whole desktop.

I can see there may be some use if you are using a touch screen, although with a computer, I fail to see how this is of any use whatsoever.

Also, the apps for Windows 8 are the worst I have seen! Windows 8 is Apple's best advert.

To this, I would be interested to see any windows 8 customized desktops.

Finally, all I can say is why not upgrade to Windows 7 ? 



Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 08, 2014

I think everyone is still sleeping!    ...btw I love my windows7! 

on Apr 08, 2014

Am also a W7 user and will not go to W8.

on Apr 08, 2014

Hi gef,

Long time no see.  Do you still have a library fo your cutomization work posted anywhere?


I would love to take a look.

on Apr 08, 2014

Sorry but not anymore, only for my own amusement.

on Apr 08, 2014

I see no point in a touch screen while I am sitting at my desk. I often use my PC to work from home and Win8 would be pointless in this regard. My daughter has it on her rig and she always uses the keyboard and mouse. She would rather have Win7.

As far as customizing it looks like Stardock is trying to go there with 8 and I see that some WB's are now made for 7 and 8 but I wouldn't know how that is working out.

I'll be using Win7 for quite some time I think. When it comes time for a new rig I hope that Microsoft will have something better than 8 going on. P

on Apr 08, 2014

Win 7 until they stop support

on Apr 08, 2014

The next version of Windows is going to have a combination of legacy start menu and tiles. It looks pretty nice from what I've seen.

Currently, yeah you have to take a step backwards with your start menu to get a windowblinds to skin it. I sincerely hope this will cease when MS changes the start menu system. 

on Apr 08, 2014

Gef, you're a tad late. This topic has been beaten to death.


But for the record, all my skinning is done on Windows 8.1 these days.

on Apr 08, 2014

RedneckDude, you say you do your skinning on 8.1 but is that used on 8.1 or 7 ?

I still have not seen a Windows 8 customised desktop. Do you know of any?

on Apr 08, 2014

gef, I believe I have seen customized Windows 8/8.1 Desktops, meaning the old familar Desktop and not the Metro/Modern screen that I think you are talking about.  I don't think much can be done with that.   

on Apr 08, 2014

I will go over to Linux before I would touch windows 8.

on Apr 08, 2014

Gef, take a look at any of my latest WB's, what you see in the screenshot is Windows 7, and looks almost exactly the same on Windows 8.1. With the right customization software, Start 8 in particular, and a program called OldNewExplorer that converts the explorer window back to the look of Windows 7, you can make Windows 8/8.1 look great.

on Apr 08, 2014

I just realized something......I still have a Windows XP Pro disk. I wonder how much I can get for it. Lol

on Apr 08, 2014

Lightstar,  yes, I agree the windows will look the same, it's the actual desktop I'm referring to.

With windows 8, you cannot even have a decent wallpaper unless it's obliterated by the 'tiles'.


on Apr 08, 2014

Utah, It's certainly worth more than a windows 8 disc ! 

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